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Signing With Babies And Children: My Finger Spelled Words

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Monday, October 13, 2008

My Finger Spelled Words

There are many finger spelled words in American Sign Language.  Consider the fact that each word in sign language can also be finger spelled. This creates a fun way to learn how to sound out words and recognize site words in any given place.

All you need is your hands for props. And for all ages there are different games to play with your young ones when it comes to using your hands and sign language. These games can turn into valuable learning tools.

Take for instance a simple learning activity such as sounding out your words with your four year old. You would usually need a pencil and some paper for your props or lots of talking involved to tell your child which letters to sound out. Instead start with three signed letters... keep signing each letter with its sound: s-a-t. Change the first letter of each word until you are ready to switch to another set of words: c-a-t. Sign the letters slowly, and let your child sound out each letter at a time until he can run the sounds together and make a word (speeding up the signing along with the sounding out until the sounds are recognized as a word).

Watch the video as an example.  Add some fun to learning by signing! Hands-on!

Written and recorded by Shawna Tran.  

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