Here is an inspiring email I received from Jennifer, Jaxon's Mommy:
"Hi Etel-
Just wanted to forward proof of yours and Rachel's awesome teaching of American Sign Language to my son and to me.
Jaxon Julius signed "I love you" -- on his own, and correctly! -- to me for the first time yesterday!!! I've been signing it to him ever since I started signing with you in September 2007, and numerous times he waved his first and some random fingers attempting to sign it in response to me signing it, but leaving the Starbuck's drive-through and having a fun afternoon he signed "I love you" to me and let me take his picture doing it!
He and I sign with his 4 month old sister Georgie. I'm so proud of him.
Thank you for inspiring us with ASL.
Jennier W
Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing the miracles of signs with all of us. Let the Sign Shine!
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner www.SignShine.com
Publisher www.BabySignShine.com
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