"Etel Leit, M.S., offers the following longer-term benefits of continuing (or I would think in cases of older infant adoption, beginning) sign language, even though speech is developing:
•Cognitive Stimulation: larger vocabulary, better spelling, better information retention, improved reading skills, enhanced fine motor coordination for writing
Very interesting, and it all makes sense to me. Had I read this earlier, may have decided to teach my daughter sign even though her verbal skills were off the charts. Now that she’s two, I can see her enjoying it. I guess it’s never too late…"
The author then asks you a few questions, which I encourage all of you to respond to, you can help OTHER families that are still contemplating, , start signing TODAY:
What are your thoughts on baby sign? Have you used it? If so, how do you feel about it?
click here and share YOUR thoughts.
Let the Sign Shine,
Yes...Baby Sign is helpful when communicating with my two year old grandson. His words are not clearly understood so signing is an excellent bridge. He"ll sign apple, cheese, juice and ball because when he says those words they all sound the same. Signing helps relieve frustration and keeps our communication flowing.
Your grandson is so lucky to communicate, not only with his mom via sign language, but also with his grandma! I am sure your connection is just closer and fun as well.
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