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Signing With Babies And Children: August 2008

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Sunday, August 31, 2008

SignShine on the Stand News Again- KidsLA Magazine!

SignShine featured on *KidsLAMagazine; Fall 2008.
The article explores the benefits of signing with older kids. Read how signing helps kids with academics, is an excellent second language facilitator, creates special bond between parents and children and more.

*Get your copy at Barnes and Noble, Whole Foods, Bristol Farms, Borders and

Friday, August 22, 2008

SignShine features on Fox 11

I am so proud of the little ones signing! Thank you, it was such a great experience.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Waiting on the World to Change"

Signing Interpretation of John Mayer's hit song
You've maybe never considered it, but deaf people enjoy music as much as anyone else. Typically it is the vibration of the music they love to feel. Closed captioning on music channels gives another way to enjoy music through the lyrics. Now, an organization has taken it one step further and put together interpretive signing videos to popular songs. I enjoyed watching this one particularly, I probably watched it 10 times when I first learned of it. My daughter wanted to watch it again, and I wouldn't be surprised if the video interests the youngest of viewers because of the young signing toddler shown twice. Babies love watching other babies! Tell me what you think.

See the video

* by Sign4Baby

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sing and Sign!

Many parents ask me about videos of favorite family songs preformed with signing. So… we created for you fun, sign-along videos you can practice at home:

If You’re Happy and You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider
I Love You
You are My SignShine
…and more

Click here to watch the videos (may take a few seconds to upload)
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