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Signing With Babies And Children: How a Baby Can Sign “Rhinoceros”

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

How a Baby Can Sign “Rhinoceros”

Sign Language has been typically associated with the deaf, but in reality, it can also benefit the lives of the hearing, which is showcased none-so-apparently than through a video of two of the most adorable children I have ever laid eyes on. I might be a bit more biased because I do get to see them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but I’m sure after watching this video, you would agree as well. My daughter Zoë (almost four in the video) and my son Dylan (16 months at the time) are reading to each other, first a book about animals and then a book about people. The truly amazing part of the video is when Zoë helps Dylan do the correct sign for rhinoceros. As their mother, I’m very proud of how well they’re communicating with each other and I definitely love seeing them get along so well. You can tell that Dylan is starting to verbalize some of these words, which is wonderful because words like “whale” aren’t typically taught to children until much later. This is a wonderful video to show how beneficial sign language can be for your family—you have time to take a break and record videos of them while your children read books to each other!

etel leit


Smilealvina said...
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Smilealvina said...

Guess who will be the person you will probably know the longest in life? Yes, it is your siblings. So nothing is better than having a good relationship with your brothers and sisters. It's so amazing to see Zoe has already taken her role as a big sister teaching Dylan to read! Without learning how to sign, I wonder how would it take place? Dylan might able to express"rhinoceros" until much later. Therefore, signing helps building positive relationships among siblings!