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Signing With Babies And Children: It's A Visual Interactive Way of Life

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's A Visual Interactive Way of Life

Now that you are teaching your children the alphabet signs along with other signs, watch how it is helpful in creating a visual way of life.

Consider the letter "d" and "b" for instance.  They nearly look exactly the same to a child considering one is just faced the other way.  The letters "d" and "b" in sign language are completely different.  This helps differentiate the two letters.  

Since sign language is such a visual interactive way of teaching, your child begins to learn how to visually interact with other things in his world.

Take for instance a child that is nearly four years old and has never written his name.  He knows all the letters in his name and can visually pick them out of a crowd of letters.  You ask him to write his name on paper.  To your amazement, he wrote his whole name on his own with nearly every letter legible.

You merely ask, "how did you know how to write your letters?"

He replies, "I just saw them in my head and then I drawed them." ^_^

A few days later that same child is sitting at a table drawing on a doodle board.  He has mostly made lines and circles in the past, but this time his lines became an image with wheels attached and your little one just created a big rig.

He again replies, "I just saw it in my head and then I drawed it."

Open the door to the visual interactive world within a child's imagination.  You will be amazed at how learning sign language not only facilitates language skills but the skills to create.  See on what journey Sign Language takes your child.

Written by Shawna Tran

1 comment:

Baby Fingers said...

For interactive practice, check out Or go directly to The ABCs can be found on our links page, via Lora's Blog. Enjoy!