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Signing With Babies And Children: Clarify with Colors

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Clarify with Colors

Do you know the colors of the rainbow?

My daughter is starting to sign colors. I love it. I did not realize how it could help in clarifying her specific needs and wants.

This morning as she was hungry and said "sit," I went to put her in her green booster chair at the table. She was getting very upset with me as she continued to say "sit." I then went to sit down with her in my lap at the kitchen table next to her booster chair.

Still not working... I was stumped. Then I looked to the corner and remembered the high chair. She immediately felt heard and understood as I helped her "sit" in the high chair and almost chuckled out loud as I said and signed "orange" "chair"(being that the highchair is lined with an orange cushion)to help clarify what she could sign and say to me next time.

Speaking of clarifying, I also am signing "color," "paper," "time," and "out" more often now that my daughter is quite into colors and coloring... which does not always include on the actual "paper." As she sits on the "orange" carpet circle that we have for thinking time, I repeat the signs, "color" (draw) on "paper." I am clarifying as well... where I'd prefer the colors to be.

I sign "time" and "out" for time out or in the past with my other children I have used "thinking" "time."

Enjoy Signing your Colors! and have fun being creative with using colors in helping understand your child's needs and wants as well as expressing your own needs and wants!

Signs for Colors

Written by Shawna Tran:


etel @ SignShine® said...

My kids also LOVE the signs for color. I have to admit it is my favorite signing song. Teaching the colors is also a great tool to teach the alphabet.
Thank you Shawna for teaching us parenting with patience through your kids.

Let the Sign Shine!

Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner

Unknown said...

Shawna Tran,
It's wonderful that you are using signs for nouns and pairing them with the adjective color sign. That is a great way to have your daughter learn to use descriptors with the signs that she already knows. Her English language mastery will improve too because she will learn to make these associations in both sign and English.

Keep up the good work!

Heather Wood
ASL interpreter