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Signing With Babies And Children: Baby Signing Video - Scarlette

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby Signing Video - Scarlette

We have been teaching baby sign language to our baby Scarlette since she was 4 months old. Her first sign was for 'milk' at the age of 10 months. She was so excited with herself and has embraced this wonderful communication tool with literally 'both hands'!

She is now 'almost' talking, and still uses her signs on a daily basis to emphasize the important keywords as she is talking to us. Here is a short video we took last year of some of her signing vocabulary. Click here to watch if you can't see below.

One of the things I love is that when she doesn't know the word, she makes up a sign to show us what she is trying to communicate. We were swimming in the pool on our vacation and one of the other children in the pool had some swimming goggles on. She put her fingers up to her face and made the shape of glasses to show us what she had seen.

My favourite sign has always been 'Thank-you'. This one always makes me smile and I have to admit (although I am her mommy so I am allowed to be biased) I have never met a 2 year old that has such beautiful manners. When we ask her something she always replies "yes please mommy" and then when she receives something she always says 'Thank you".

I would like to take this opportunity to say "Thank you Scarlette" for the joy you bring and these lasting memories we are lucky enough to have captured on video.



My Baby Details said...

That's great that Scarlette is able to communicate with signs regularly... even when the sign is not yet in her vocabulary nor vocal word. She takes the opportunity to communicate and then learn a new word and sign.

Go Scarlette! ^_^

My Baby Details said...

And you can be bias all you want... who wouldn't love a "thank you" and "please" from their little ones! ^_^

Thank you for sharing the videos of her signing- that's so great you are able to capture those moments!

etel @ SignShine® said...

Thank you Scarlett for sharing with the world so many signs!!! It is just so sweet!
What I was so impressed by is to see her calm, happy domineer as she smiles and shows off her signs.
Thank you Daddy, for being part of it as well!!

Let the Sign Shine,