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Signing With Babies And Children: Babies Who Have a Means to Express Themselves Are Happier Babies

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Babies Who Have a Means to Express Themselves Are Happier Babies

A child is naturally curious. He is born into this world with a desire to learn. If we nurture this desire by giving him a means with which he can express himself, then he will continue to find joy in learning. As we have observed in so many young babies, they are able to understand what we say to them well before they are able to talk or express themselves. And when they are unable to express themselves, they often become frustrated. In other words, their minds are actually processing the language they hear and creating thoughts, yet their vocal chords are still developing and so they are limited in how they may express themselves. By introducing sign language to your baby, you are enabling your child to now have a means through which he may express himself; hence, the joy of learning, the joy of being understood, and the feeling of respect and empowerment continue to grow.


Kelly Krissel said...

I agree with you that utilizing sign language with babies and young children is a wonderful way to promote their feelings of being repected and empowered. As a social worker with lots of experience with young children and babies, I love the idea of signing with young children. It promotes 2 important goals that clinicians have when working with young children. First, it teaches and encourages them to express their wants, needs, and feelings. Also, when parents use sign language with their children it can promote a healthy parent-child relationship! Yeah for baby sign language!!!

Smilealvina said...

Sign language gives babies an interactive environment, where people are more sensitive to babies need. It is very easy to understand why babies are happier after learning how to sign! Instead of crying and screaming, babies finally have a way to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs. At the same time, parents are happier too having their babies with more cheers and they do not need to be frustrated by guessing what do their babies want.