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Signing With Babies And Children: MOTIVATION!

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Monday, January 5, 2009


One Mom's Story:

At a year old, James understood most of Edie's signs, but did not produce any. Until.... he ate lunch at a friend's home, who did not have an extra high chair. There was no room for his milk cup on his stroller, where he was eating that day. So, James requested milk from his mom, with a clear, deliberate sign!!!

And Another:

When Ayers had a bad stomach virus for 10 days, the only thing his body could digest was breast milk. It really made a big difference in how he felt, too, to have the milk. Signing made such a huge difference for us during this time, because he would sign for milk often. I think without the signing, he would have just cried, and I wouldn't have known what he needed - sleep? Tylenol? But through his signing of "milk," I always knew when he was ready for more. It was wonderful. Then, as Ayers started to get well, he started signing "eat." This told me that he was ready for some food. It was so incredibly helpful, to know what he wanted/needed at what times. The illness was very hard, but I can't imagine how much harder it would have been without the sign language. It is wonderful!


When given the opportunity, these little guys needed to sign!  They were motivated, and that motivated their moms to continue signing with them more and more!  Remember how important signing is in your routine, and your baby's routine, so that in times of need your little one will be motivated to sign (and so will you!).

Thanks to these moms from Baby Fingers for sharing their stories!

1 comment:

etel @ SignShine® said...

You are right Lora. The combination of opportunity and need is the best formula for signing! The result- pure communication! Thank you for sharing with us and encouraging more parents to sign. It will happen…