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Signing With Babies And Children: A Few Signs for Countless Moments of Play

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Few Signs for Countless Moments of Play

As I sit down and enjoy the interaction with my one year old son, I realize that most of the simplest games we play together, usually involve one or more of these signs below:

In | Out
On | Off
All Done

Some examples of games involving these signs include:
* a container full of shapes are near by... pouring the shapes out, you sign "in." Put the shape "in." As your child enjoys the essence of either putting the shape in the correct "shape hole" or merely throwing the shape into the container, sign "in" and say "in." And use this same process with the sign "out" of course when the shapes are scattered all over the floor again.

* bathtime is in play. As the bubbles surround your child, you put the toy in the water and sign "where?" "Where" is your toy? Then some bubbles are placed on your child's hand, and you encourage him to put the soap "on" his head as you wash his hair (taking this time to learn tummy, nose, cheeks... all those fun places to place bubbles "on"). You ask "all done" when bathtime is over and sign let's get "out."

* laying on your back, it's time for airplane as you lift your child into the air upon the tops of your feet. As your child goes down for a landing, you sign "again?" Not to your surprise, your child is readily awaiting his lift off (signing "up" and "down" may be a little tricky as I'm not sure whether or not your airplane rides encourages hand free landings^_^).

* the sun is out. It's time to go outside. "Where's" your shoes? Can you put them "on." Sign "on" as you encourage your child to put his shoes on. Hide the other shoe behind your back and ask "where" is your shoe? As your child is done playing outside, take the shoes off and sign "off." This can be done with your child's jacket and hat too (taking this opportunity to sign "inside" and "outside" as well).

* while in a tickle war, you stop for a moment to sign "more." Do you want "more?" The tickle war goes on for countless minutes of laughter as you both can't get enough... until finally you're both "all done" as you take this moment to sign "all done."

Enjoy the opportunities of play with your children and enjoy signing along the way.

Written by Shawna Tran.

American Sign Language Browser
Signing Savvy Dictionary
note: Signing Savvy only allows you to browse 5 signs at a time if you are not a paying member.
Although if using the ASL Browser, once clicking on a word and viewing the video there, you are able to click on "View larger sign language videos of ____."

1 comment:

etel @ SignShine® said...

as always, i love your practical tools! not only it helps with bonding with children, but it is smart and engaging.
going to lay down with my kids today and play airplane!!
etel leit