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- Babies Who Sign Feel Respected
- Audrey signs: birth to 2 years old
- What is the perfect age to start Baby Sign Languag...
- Signing with Babies - Part 3
- Baby Signing: How to sign and sign? - You are my S...
- Be Aware of Gestures and Eye Contact
- Connect with SignShine and win: $120 Apple, $80 Am...
- So many ways to express my love- MOMMY!
Signing With Babies And Children: 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
NBC and SignShine
Sunday, December 26, 2010
SignShine on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams
Click here to watch:
Founder & Owner http://www.signshine.com/
Friday, December 24, 2010
SignShine on NBC News Chrismas Eve
What a great holiday present!
Now, tell us what is your Ahah moment.
Let the Sign Shine on 2011,
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner http://www.signshine.com/
Publisher http://www.babysignshine.com/
Monday, December 13, 2010
MORE than words can say...
I love Karen's laugh, you can feel the amazing bond between Alex and mommy.
Click on the picture, or here, and leave a comment.
We are SO proud of you Alex!! Mommy and Daddy, thank you for sharing this precious video with us.
"I just wanted to share the story of Alex's first sign. He just turned 10 months and he's been imitating things that I do and sounds that I make lately. (Clapping, kissing, coughing, yelling, short words, laughing, and yes, even burping.) I've been asking him if he wants more when I've been feeding him and doing the "more" sign. He started copying me on Tuesday and I made sure to quickly give him more of his food. He finally got it that whenever he did the sign, he would quickly get more food. I wasn't sure at first that that was what he was doing because he doesn't use his fingertips...it looks more like a clap but he does it very purposefully and just does it 2 or 3 times. (It kinda reminds me of somebody trying to use "The Clapper".....ha ha!) He may think that it means he "wants" something because he did it today when I asked him if he wanted his milk. I am very excited that he's wanting to communicate with me and he seems very excited too that I understand him! I'm so looking forward to his next signs....Thanks again to Etel for a great class!
Karen and Alexander ;)
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner http://www.signshine.com/
Publisher http://www.babysignshine.com/
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
16 ways to spell Hanukkah
Hanukkah : 8,470,000 hits.
Chanukah : 3,390,000 hits.
Hanukah : 862,000 hits.
Hannukah : 677,000 hits.
Chanuka : 335,000 hits.
Chanukkah : 274,000 hits.
Hanuka : 192,000 hits.
Channukah : 128,000 hits.
Chanukka : 116,000 hits.*
Hanukka : 86,300 hits.
Hannuka : 51,400 hits.
Hannukkah : 37,300 hits.
Channuka : 33,600 hits.
Xanuka : 992 hits.
Hannukka : 686 hits.
Channukkah : 508 hits.
Channukka : 489 hits.*
Chanuqa : 25 hits.
Let the Sign Shine,
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner www.SignShine.com
Publisher www.BabySignShine.com
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
ThanksGIVING Song - Sing with us and THANK your little one!
Click here or on the picture to view a HOW TO: Thanksgiving song and art project.
Let the Sign Shine with many forms of THANKS,
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner http://www.signshine.com/
Publisher http://www.babysignshine.com/
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Impressive Expressive Signing
As seen here on the CBS news just this weekend, Signmark is the first rap artist. He was born deaf. And as he preforms in sign language, he is able to bridge the gap between both the music and deaf communities. He did just that in New York City during International Deaf Awareness Week.
Signmark began translating Christmas Carols into signs at a young age as he wanted to participate along with others. He became the first deaf rapper to land a record contract, and although he can't hear the music, he can feel the beat. His music and concerts are a shared experience for one and all. He strives to fight for equality between all cultures.
Signmark explains his journey towards becoming the first deaf rapper here. Take note: one of the songs does have a swear word in it. Subtitles are provided, so you can turn the volume off if impressionable ears are nearby.
For more news features such as from Hong Kong, check out his facebook page.
As Thanksgiving is approaching rapidly, and your children may be home from school, try having them choose a song and learn the signs to that song. I remember having lip sink concerts all the time on those snow days where school was canceled. How about a signing lip sink concert?
As my youngest is 7 months old and is starting to use motions to communicate, such as waving his hand, I am even more encouraged to continue to teach him sign language. Enjoy the gift of sign language and the gift of family time this holiday season.
take care, Shawna
Friday, November 12, 2010
GREAT TOOL: What to do when you in a middle of..... and your child keeps interrupting?
Let the Sign Shine,
Sunday, October 31, 2010
A Few More Sweet Signs
I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween.
Always find a way to be creative with your children. For instance, on the way home from school, we had a few errands to run. I had five children in the car, so to help them interact and keep their attention off the fact we were not home yet, I said "let's count how many houses have Halloween decorations."
Within a two mile distance, we counted 54 houses with decorations right to the front door of the friend we were dropping off at home.
I realize that with signing, there are MANY games to create too. Wouldn't it have been fun to add these Halloween signs, and say, "if you see a ghost decoration, sign ghost" and so forth.
Please feel free to share with us those fun games you have created at home or on the road and continue to enjoy the details of signing with your children!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Funny, Scary & Happy Signs
For example, “SCARED” or “CANDY” or “HAPPY”! Helping them to better express themselves around holidays will make the changes less threatening, more exciting, and best of all, MORE FUN!
Take a few minutes today and review a few of our suggested Halloween signs and have a WONDERFUL Trick or Treat Day!
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner http://www.signshine.com/
Publisher http://www.babysignshine.com/
Saturday, October 16, 2010
dancing with your hands...
for babies, signing is a key to unlocking a world of communication that might not otherwise be opened until many months later. babies learn the importance of non-verbal communication by cuing into facial expression, body language, and even the feelings that come along with communicating.
i recently was told an amazing comment after teaching a baby signing class. this mother explained that learning and using sign language is more than what she expected... that she can actually feel what she is saying... essentially, that signing is emotional. she compared it to dancing. she is a dance teacher, and related the movements of dancing to communicating with signs. it's not just about the movements... it's so much more than that.
(and thank you to that wonderful mommy... you know who you are :) )
Friday, October 15, 2010
Zoƫ signs over 200 signs in 5 minutes
If you ever wondered about whether YOUR family can still sign, this is a MUST-SEE! It's a video of our little girl Zoe signing more than 200 signs at only 3 years old! But not only that, she's signing on command, in both Hebrew and English!
After watching this video, How many signs have YOU counted?
Post your count on Facebook or YouTube.
Let the Sign Shine,
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner www.SignShine.com
Publisher www.BabySignShine.com
Respond here or on YouTube....
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
an Experience that will Leave you Speechless
overseas, to my homeland, Israel. During my visit, I visited a fascinating children museum exhibit! The walls were monochromatic. The rooms were bare and sparsely furnished. Our museum guide was completely silent.
Sign Language and a museum?! What do they have to do with each other?!
exhibit. So, how can you really empathize with a deaf person? The answer is --- experience what he or she feels… The SILENCE.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Engaging and Repeating... Even with Diaper Changes
I honestly can see educationally speaking how repeating a word helps children to remember it, but this can also help calm a child down as you engage with them. Signing to my children has given me the opportunity of forming a habit where I am able to not only sign what we are doing but to repeat the words being signed. This is particularly useful when signing expectations or daily routines.
As seen on the video below, my son finds a connection with what is going on. And although he is not seen upset here, I recall just three months ago when he was two months old, I laid him down on the bed to change his diaper. He began to cry. I began to sign.
Within seconds his eyes were fixated on what my hands were doing as I found myself repeating the words change diaper in a very enthusiastic manner. I was engaging with him.
If I would not have been signing, I don't believe I would have chosen to speak in a consistent manner where my voice, although possibly annoying to the outside world^_^, was able to bring calmness. And my hands became a distraction from what was seemingly upsetting at the time.
As stated in my previous post, I feel encouraged to sign by choosing three signs for a particular routine and then having the choice to add to those signs.
The three words I sign when changing a diaper are change, diaper, and wet or dirty.
I then add all done and all clean at the end.
Enjoy the journey of engaging with your children through the power of signing... even if it is in those moments of diaper changes. You never know what may be remembered as precious memories when looking back.^_^
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Transparency and Babies' Understanding of How Language Works
In sign language, nearly all the signs for body parts are made by pointing to the specific body part. For example, 'nose', 'eyes', 'mouth', 'arm', 'hair', 'ear', are all signed by pointing to the specific body part. These body parts represent the meaning of transparent. You will often see a baby point to his various body parts when you ask him/her, ‘Where is your nose? Where is your mouth?” This is an example of the beauty of a language that has signs that are transparent and/or iconic. When the sign actually looks like the meaning of the word, or in this case is the body part, it is easier for a baby to process and comprehend the way language works. So when a baby points to objects or body parts, s/he is actually saying ‘this is my nose’. This is visual transparency.
When a baby learns the sounds that animals make, this is auditory transparency. He actually hears the cat say 'meow' or the dog say 'woof woof', so s/he often assigns those corresponding sounds to those respective animals. Sign language takes these animals and assigns a visual sign that is closely linked to the meaning of the animal, again reinforcing the benefits of learning sign language which may initially consist of many visually transparent or iconic signs.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Scarlette's Growing Up
I know that she will be the first toddler that they have had in their care that knows and uses Baby Sign Language.
Monday, August 2, 2010
3 Steps to Signing Expectations
1. List daily routines
2. Choose Three Signs for each routine
3. Don't be afraid to add signs to those routines
While thinking of the routines that occur daily with your child, also think of "what is to be expected." This will help you recognize routines. Then go from there in choosing three signs that correlate with the routine. If another sign comes to mind, welcome it, and keep signing away.
For example, as I watched my 1 year old niece yesterday, I was not sure which signs she has learned over the past six months. I was given the direction to lay her down with a sippy cup to have her drink milk before laying her down to sleep.
I decided to sign three different signs to help her focus on the goal- which was to drink most of her milk before retiring to nap time.
The three signs were "drink, milk, sleep" as I would say, "Drink your milk, then we'll go to sleep." I said this a number of times, and then all of the sudden, she let go of one of the sides of the sipper cup (with the handles) and began signing milk as she observed her own hand opening and closing.
A way that another sign could have been involved is after she drank her milk, I could have encouraged the goal by signing and saying, "You drank your milk, now we're going to go to sleep" and adding "let's go get your blanket," signing blanket.
And if by chance the expectation at hand isn't met, well, you know that at least you met your own expectation of signing with your child.^_^
Written by Shawna Tran
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Signing MORE
fun, but every parent wants to know which signs are the best
The most common sign that parents, who are not taking classes, choose to start signing
is MORE. Be aware-vague signs like MORE might be confusing and ineffective for
babies, as they are seen in a variety of contexts, and can produce different
results in each different context. For example, signing MORE might get them
more milk, more cookies, more toys, etc. But signing is more salient when
it produces specific results, and thus gets positive reinforcement.
Signing MORE can easily be just a nonspecific cry, since it can mean so many
different things. With signing, we would like to enhance speech and enlarge
vocabulary, and I suspect that signing MORE as the first sign can do just
the opposite.
Read it in our next blog...
Let the SignShine,
Etel Leit, M.S. Founder & Owner www.SignShine.com
Publisher www.BabySignShine.com
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sign Language Helps Children to be Effective Communicators
In this day and age when so many of our children are overexposed to television, video games, computers and cell phones, children run the risk of never developing the ability to be effective communicators. Sign language encourages children to make eye contact, to be aware of subtle facial expressions, and bodily gestures and to be better listeners - all important elements to effective and successful communication. By teaching your children sign language, you are giving them the gift of effective communication while at the same time having tons of fun.
The benefits of signing are endless. Sign language can enhance the bond between parent and child, and promote early communication. By teaching your baby sign language you are empowering your child with a means with which to communicate his thoughts. A baby’s brain is ready for language much earlier than the vocal chords are ready to speak. In other words, a baby understands and can communicate his needs and desires if you provide him with a mode of communication that is not reliant on vocal chords. Sign language empowers babies to express their feelings and needs, therefore reducing frustration and promoting comprehension, which leads to a much happier and respectful relationship between parent and child.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
SignShine Fun Party! Pictures and Videos
babies. Everyone shared
their signing stories over cookies and refreshments. We were all very
excited to learn that some of the babies that had been in the classes previously
were already starting
to sign! The class got started with signing
songs, and Etel showed everyone how to incorporate signing into
parenting techniques. She answered questions and talked about the benefits
of signing. After some interactive games, we had the raffle! A few of
the lucky parents were very excited to win baby books, discounts, and videos!
It was a fun and exciting day for both old and new members of the
SignShine family!
etel Etel Leit, M.S. Founder &Owner www.SignShine.com Publisher www.BabySignShine.com
Scarlette's Little Hands
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Merely Observing
No other words are spoken, but it is apparent that she is aware of her baby brother and she is taking into account that she should be quiet because he’s sleeping.
Learning to observe the world around us and express ourselves is a gift.
Through the power of signing with our children, we’re giving them another means of expressing themselves in their own creative ways.
Just as much as two year old sister is observing the world around her, two month old brother is too.
This is a great opportunity to begin signing with my littlest one (when he's starting to react to the world around him). I enjoy beginning my signing journey with each child by choosing three signs to sign at a time.
Please look out for my next entry where I will explain how I go about choosing these three signs at a time.
written by Shawna Tran
Monday, June 28, 2010
Effective Communication: Subtle Cues in Context
One of the moms in my Baby Sign class shared with me that her little one had been signing ‘milk’ for days before they realized that she was signing ‘milk’. Her baby just turned one year old, and signs the words ‘nice’, ‘more’, ‘eat’, ‘bubbles’, ‘water’, ‘mommy’ and is rapidly acquiring many more words. During her meal time, she would reach her arms out as if to ask to be taken out of her highchair. When her mommy realized that she was not happy with being taken out of the highchair, she suddenly realized that her child was actually trying to let her know that she wanted ‘milk’.
When a baby is consistently using the same gestures in the same context or situation, chances are, they are using an approximation for a sign and are trying their best to communicate. It may not look exactly like the sign you have learned, but it is in fact your child trying his/her best to communicate! Watch for eye contact and facial expression, and we will all be better at effective communication.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saffron signing CAT at 8 weeks
here is Violet signing SignShine:
James and I had our 3rd child 10 weeks ago.
I sign 'cat' every time the cat jumps on the couch.
Not sure if it is a coincidence but thought you would enjoy the picture.
What do YOU think?? Was little Saffron girl signing?
Let the Sign Shine on the longest day of the year,
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner www.SignShine.com
Publisher www.BabySignShine.com
Sunday, June 13, 2010
a routine...
as a teacher of sign language for babies, i know how wonderful it is when you see your baby sign for the first time...and how helpful a tool signing is to have for all involved.
that said, as a special education teacher, there is really a place in my heart for teaching children with special needs. academics, social skills...and now, sign language. when signing is used as a tool for language that otherwise may not yet be possible, the importance of it, and value of it...skyrockets.
for my next few posts, i've decided to give some tips on teaching signing to children with special needs. now, granted, many of these strategies can be helpful for any child, so feel free to follow along!
for my first topic, i'd like to touch on the importance of routine...
many children benefit from some type of routine. we all do...even if it's simply the general routine of having three meals a day, and going to bed at night. so, when teaching signing to children with special needs, i often use a schedule of some sort. i have pictures of each activity we're going to do, and as each one finishes, we take it down, and place it in a "finished" envelope. the child can see from the pictures what is happening next, and even what is expected from him or her throughout the session. by having this simple tool, it not only puts the child at ease, but it also allows both the parent and me to know what we'll be doing for the length of the session.
in addition to this tool, i try to keep some of the session similar each time. we might start and end with the same activity each time...a song, bubbles...things like that. this gives the child several types of indications (visual, aural, tactile) that our session is starting or coming to an end.
each child may not need the same amount of consistency...and that's where individualization is important! each child has his or her own unique needs and preferences...just like each of us :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Baby Sign Language in KOREAN
Let the Sign Shine!
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner www.SignShine.com
Publisher www.BabySignShine.com
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Increased Awareness and Sign Language
When asked what she liked learning from sign language class, one of the moms responded that she now has a greater appreciation for ‘observing’ . She felt that had she not learned sign language, there are a lot of subtle cues that she would would have missed in her baby’s efforts to communicate. Now she is hyper aware of how much information gets expressed from her baby’s eyes - whether they are big and round, or small and closed, whether the eye brows are raised or wrinkled - these are parts of signs that would typically be missed in a baby’s early efforts to communicate meaning. Likewise, a baby who learns to sign will also be more in tune with the subtle cues the parents are including in their nonverbal communication. For example, you will often see a baby who is learning to sign, raise his eyebrows and shoulders, and tilt his head in an effort to express "I don't know". This awareness on the part of both baby and parent contributes to increased bonding and understanding in a special relationship.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Silently Disciplining
There was plenty to do outside the salon windows (where I had a view from looking inside out) including a huge pond of orange fish to check out, but he chose to come put his face right close to the window pane to make silly faces at his younger brother instead.
It was adorable at first until I saw that tongue start to make it's way to the glass. I immediately resorted to signing "dirty" when my brain realized that that was the only way I could quietly and discretely do my best to shout out to my son that "hey, this is a public place, and that is not what I particularly want other's watching my son do"... without literally alarming the whole room of ladies whom were getting their hair done.
He looked at me with temptation still in his eyes, so I went on to sign "play" and "fish." He turned away and went towards the pond with a smile.
I'm grateful for the ability to communicate with my children especially when it can be done silently and still be effective (effective for every one including those getting their hair done).
Written by Shawna Tran: www.mybabydetails.com
Monday, May 31, 2010
Babies Who Sign Feel Respected
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Audrey signs: birth to 2 years old
Click here to view Audrey's signing moments: birth to 2 years old.
Let the Sign Shine!
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner http://www.signshine.com/
Publisher http://www.babysignshine.com/
Thursday, May 20, 2010
What is the perfect age to start Baby Sign Language / Baby Signing?
Babies are often ready to sign back when they sit by themselves and can point. Does that mean we should only start signing at that time? Definitely not. We start talking to them well before this point and the same applies to sign language. In fact, babies who are born to families with deaf parents or siblings are exposed to signing
at birth. I do not believe in ‘too young’ or ‘too old’ – you are the expert on your child and your instincts will lead the way. Keep in mind, however, that babies are fast learners and may understand what you are signing well before they are able to sign back.
so rich and she is constantly asking to learn more signs and words. (We just learned the signs for ‘imagination’ and ‘pretend’ as she is playing with dolls).
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner http://www.signshine.com/
Publisher http://www.babysignshine.com/
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Signing with Babies - Part 3
Baby Signing: How to sign and sign? - You are my Sunshine
Here is a short tutorial how to singn and sign "You are my SignShine' (Sunshine) is one of my favorite songs to sing and sign. Follow up step by step, sign and sing it with you child.More about Teach your Baby to Sign Songs: http://www.signshine.com/article24.php
Let the Sign Shine!etel
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner www.SignShine.com
Publisher www.BabySignShine.com
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Be Aware of Gestures and Eye Contact
One of the moms in my Baby SignShine class shared with me that her little one had been signing ‘milk’ for days before they realized that she was signing ‘milk’. Her baby just turned one year old, and is rapidly acquiring many more words. During her meal time, she would reach her arms out as if to ask to be taken out of her highchair. When her mommy realized that she was not happy with being taken out of the highchair, she suddenly realized that her child was actually trying to let her know that she wanted ‘milk’. Every time she wanted ‘milk’ she would reach out her arms and wave her fingers.
Another mom reported her baby placing his hand on his head whenever he would hear his daddy’s car parking in the garage. Then she noticed he would do that same hand on his head gesture when the phone would ring, and it would be daddy calling to say ‘hi’. Mom realized that he was anticipating daddy either coming into the room, or hearing his voice because the baby would clearly make eye contact while touching his head. Although it didn’t look exactly like the sign for ‘daddy’, it was definitely an approximation. It would have been easy for this mom to miss the sign and think that the baby was rubbing his head randomly.
When a baby is consistently using the same gestures in the same context or situation, chances are, they are using an approximation for a sign and are trying their best to communicate. It may not look exactly like the sign you have learned, but it is in fact your child trying his/her best to communicate!....Blink, and you may just miss your baby signing! Look for gestures that your baby is using over and over again in the same context, observe his/her eyes as s/he tries his/her best to make eye contact, take note if s/he seems frustrated if you are not understanding his/her efforts to approximate the sign. You may find it helpful to write down what you think is his/her approximation and be sure to share this with your spouse or nanny so that s/he can keep an eye out for such approximations. The sooner you can identify what sign s/he is attempting to use to communicate, the more empowered your child will feel, and the happier you both will be! See how Frisee and her mom are understanding one another:
Use these same tips for your baby’s approximations of spoken words, and you will see how rapidly s/he will be able to communicate using speech in addition to her sign. Have fun!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Connect with SignShine and win: $120 Apple, $80 Amazon and more!
SignShine would like to celebrate Father's Day with you! on June 3rd we will give you super prizes (see below). All you have to do is Cick, Connect and WIN! It is easy on: facebook / twitter / Blog.
Every time you sign up to be a Facebook fan or a friend, follower on twitter, or subscribe on our blog your name will be put in our drawing, 4 times it is!
Every time your friend mention your name in his/her drawing, you get an extra entry in the drawing! So now, email it to all of your freinds and ask them to mention your name.
You don’t have to be a parent or a signer, ANYONE can join!
There is no purchase necessary and a purchase will not increase your odds.
First Prize: $120 Apple Gift Card
Second Prize: $80 Amazon Gift Card
Third Prize: free SignShine Sing and Sign on line
Forth Prize: 2 movie tickets with popcorn
Following is how you enter, each step is one drawing entry:
1. Become a Friend of SignShine on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SignShine and Fan of SignShine on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/BabySigning
2. Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/Baby_Signing
3. Subscribe to our Blog http://babysignshine.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
Now (you must complete the entry and follow this last step!), come back to this page and leave a comment with the following information:
- Your Name
- The name of the person who suggested you become a fane.g.
“Hi, Jane Doe here, I was referred by John Smith. Hope to win!”
Remember the more friends you invite to become a fan, the more times your name will be entered by your friends, so the odds start to look better for you.
All entries will be entered into a random drawing. The four winners will be picked from one valid entry, where both names appear. Odds depend on number of entries.Winners will be drawn at random on June 3, 2010. Winners names will be posted on the website, Facebook and Twitter pages and will be contacted directly via message Facebook.
[Your email is never published or shared]
Sunday, May 9, 2010
So many ways to express my love- MOMMY!
Let the Sign Shine!
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner www.SignShine.com
Publisher www.BabySignShine.com
Become a fan http://www.facebook.com/BabySigning
Thursday, April 29, 2010
How to sign FaceBook in Sign Language?
Become a fan: http://www.facebook.com/BabySigning
Be a friend: http://www.facebook.com/SignShine
Let the Sign Shine!
Etel Leit, M.S.
Founder & Owner http://www.signshine.com/
Publisher http://www.babysignshine.com/
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sign Language for Babies - Part 2
In Part 1 we discovered how useful baby signing was before she could sign back to us, and here I will discuss what happened next.
The next milestone came the day she signed back to us. She had just finished her milk, the empty bottle was on our bedside table. She looked over at the bottle and signed 'milk' to us. We were so excited! I was lucky enough to get this special moment on video - she was only 9 months old.
Stay tuned for Part 3 where we discovered how all this fit together with her language development...
Monday, April 19, 2010
Don't Delay with a Speech Delay!
Well, clearly I have had to bite my tongue and curb my reaction to those claims. These same parents couldn't understand why the child has now started to lash out at a younger sibling, break and destroy things in their home, and/or "completely flip out in public" (a direct quote from a dad).
Do you think the child is ticked... because they are unable to effectively communicate? Maybe!?!?
Just so you know, there are a multitude of reasons children experience a delay in speech. The main one, no one seems to be addressing as early on as they should and can for that matter... Dyslexia! This causes speech delays in 20% of the WORLD's population. Not just the USA - the world. Most often, Dyslexia is not addressed until the child completely fails in reading and then that spills into other subjects, right about grade 3. The US school system then attempts their "college try" of slower-n-louder. These kids aren't Deaf - they're Dyslexic.
To learn more visit: Bright Solutions for Dyslexia